

Meizhen Chen, Senior dubber in Taiwan, graduated from Department of Radio and Television, Shih Hsin University

早年在电台从事播音,后来专心投入配音 工作,是台湾地区家喻户晓的「哆啦A梦」配音演员。为哆啦A梦献声二十余年,包揽了台湾地区所有哆啦A梦电视电影的声音,是70.80.90后的童年记忆。也曾为哆啦A梦中大雄、小夫妈妈、静香 妈妈、大雄奶奶甚至是出木杉等角色配音。除此之外,她为《新白娘子传奇》所配的青儿和观世音在大陆更是红遍大街小巷,受到许多粉丝喜爱。 

She was engaged in radio broadcasting and later devoted herself to dubbing. Later, Meizhen is a household name in Taiwan because of Doraemon. She almost covered all the sounds of Doraemon television and films in Taiwan in these 20 years, which is the childhood memory of the 70 to 90 generation.

此外她还在多部美国梦工厂,迪士尼,sony,华纳的动画电影中担任声音导演,比如《马 达加斯加》、《功夫熊猫》、《史瑞克》、《哈利波特》等等。 其他知名的角色还包括《大长今》的崔尚宫、《妻子的诱惑》的申艾莉、《爱丽丝梦游仙 境》的爱丽丝、《忍者小叮当》的小叮当,在上千部台剧、日剧、韩剧中都能听到她的声音。 

She has also voiced the roles of Nobita Nobi, Honekawa Suneo’s mother, Minamoto Shizuka’s mother, Nobita Nobi’s grandmother and even Dekisugi Hide Toshi in Doraemon. In addition, Qing and Avalokitasvara, which she dubs for The Legend of White Snack, are popular in the mainland and are loved by many fans.             


In addition, she has worked as a sound director in many animated films of DreamWorks, Disney, Sony and Warner Bros, such as Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda, Shrek, Harry Potter, etc. Other well-known characters include Chio Seong-geum in Dae Jang Geum, Ellie in Temptation of Wife, Alice in Alice in Wonderland, and Tinker in Ninja Tinker. Her voice can be heard in thousands of Taiiwan, Japanese and Korean TV series.             

In 2018, she signed a contract with Qingdao Dora Drean Works and established Chen Meizhen Personal Studio, which provides broader space and unlimited possibilities for cross-strait cooperation in sound.