这是一个关于内心的故事,不同的房子代表着每个人不同的内心,有一天女主角艾瑞丝在现实中受到了精神冲击,她在现实中受到的内心伤害化作了一块巨石摧毁了整个心空间,造成了心空间的一场灾难,也摧毁了她自己的内心世界。就在艾瑞丝即将融化消失之时,男主角兰金用他内心的力量击碎了巨石并拯救了整个心空间。兰金拯救了艾瑞丝,然而,艾瑞丝也用另一种方式救赎了兰金。当兰金孤独自闭时,艾瑞丝总是对他表示友好,带给他最温暖的微笑。他们互相救赎,最终出现了一个两人特性相结合的房子,代表着他们的内心连在了一起。 Heartspace stands for everyone's inner world. Everyone has different houses which stands for their different personalities. One day Iris got a mental shock in real life which led to a catastrophe that happened in heartspace. A huge stone crushed the whole heartspace. Which destroyed Iris's inner world. Rankin's used his inner love and power to save Iris and destroyed the huge stone. He saved the iris inner world. It is also a growing up for him. He was always shy and hiding. However he finally broke through his inner barrier and found his courage. Rankin healed Iris and finally had a combined house. Which means finally their hearts connected together.