《星轨安眠曲》Talia on the earth orbit
一艘太空船在太空失事,在宇宙中漂流,八年后轨道会再次靠近地球。在事故中幸存下来的塔莉娅在其中沉睡。 八年后,阿姆来到太空船中,寻找从小就仰慕的塔莉娅,却遇到了在八年前事故的始作俑者加加林,两人因为各自心中的信念和不同的目地产生激烈的冲突…… A spaceship crashed in space, drifted through space, and will orbit the earth again in eight years. Talia, who survived the accident, slept in it. After 8 years, Armstrong comes to spaceship, look for the Talia that admires since the childhood, encountered however in the initiator of accident of 8 years ago Gagalin , two people produce intense conflict because of the belief in respective heart and different goal ground.