《天眼之父南仁东》Nan Rendong: Father of Fast (The Eye of Heaven)
本片由国家科技进步奖、中国文化艺术政府奖团队创作,中国科技新闻学会指导把关,改编自陈言所著的《天之眼》长篇纪实文学(发表于《人民文学》),通过阿U的儿童视角,讲述“人民科学家”南仁东为代表的科学家筹建中国“天眼”的全过程,旨在向广大青少年弘扬平凡而伟大的科学家精神。It is based on the stories of Nan Rendong,the"people's scientist" who built China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST), namely the Eye of Heaven. It tells the story through AU’s perspective about how FAST is made, and hopes to trigger young people's curiosity for science, to absorb the spirit of scientists and strive for their scientific dreams.