壹天 One Day
本动画从儿时的记忆出发,探讨关于童年死亡认知的缺失、家庭和遗憾。我们通过独具特色的闽南语对白、清淡的水彩背景、雪天环境下肃穆的墓园来营造动画的整体质感。希望能以此作品怀念和纪念那些在年幼时期错过的重要的人们,当我们长大到足够明白时,埋藏在心里的这些遗憾望能成为当下的力量。 Starting from the memory of childhood, this animation explores the loss of cognition, family and regret about childhood death. We create the overall texture of the animation through the distinctive Hokkien dialogue, the light watercolor background, and the solemn cemetery in the snowy environment. The hope is that this work will serve as a memorial to those who missed out on so much in their youth, and that when we grow old enough to understand, the regrets we hold in our hearts can become The Power of Now.