彩虹宝宝 3/Rainbow Ruby 3
《彩虹宝宝》是首部针对3-8岁儿童,以职业认知和情商教育为主题、以启迪未来梦想为宗旨制作的优秀国产3D动画。故事讲述了一个普通的六岁女孩露露奇迹般地来到玩具们的童话世界---彩虹小镇,通过变身各种职业角色来帮助朋友们解决难题,通过一段段奇幻冒险故事告诉孩子们,遇到困难和挑战时不要退缩,需要用智慧和勇气去解决,并以此启迪孩子们的未来梦想。 Rainbow Ruby is the first excellent domestic 3D animation designed for children aged 3-8 with the theme of vocational cognition and emotional quotien education to inspire their dreams for future. The story tells a 6-year-old girl named Lulu, who comes down to the magic land where the dolls live -- rainbow village by chance. She plays various roles to help friends in the rainbow village to solve their problems. Through a series of fantasy adventure stories, children are encouraged to solve the difficulties and challenges with wisdom and courage rather than retreat , and inspired to dream for their future.