《中国最后的使鹿部落系列漫画之守护者莫日根》The Last Reindeer Hunting Tribe Cartoon--The Guardian Morigen
在苍茫的兴安岭林海中,有一个鲜为人知的少数民族部落,他们就是鄂温克驯鹿人。他们被称为“中国最后的使鹿部落”,《使鹿部落的守护者》讲述的就是关于他们的故事。仙境般的得耳布尔河畔住着一户鄂温克人,他们家有三个儿子,分别是老大巴特罗、老二曼迪、老三莫日根。他们都思慕女神答背的女儿鄂吉娜吉,希望能娶她为妻。有一天,他们哥三壮着胆子来到卡鲁奔山上,厚重脸皮向鄂吉娜吉求婚。答背女神说:“想娶鄂吉娜吉可不容易,谁能擒住十只驯鹿,才有机会做我的女婿。” 从此,哥三就钻进了大兴安岭,他们都想要擒住十只驯鹿。老大巴特罗(代表勇士)用武力猎杀了十只驯鹿。老二曼迪(代表豪侠)用迷蒿迷晕十只驯鹿。老三莫日根(代表智者)用善意与关爱征服驯鹿。答背女神将女儿嫁给了莫日根。In the vast forest of Khingan Mountain, there is a little-known ethnic minority tribe known as Ewenki reindeer hunter which is also named “The last reindeer hunting tribe in China ”. The Guardians of the Deer Tribe is the story about the hunters. Along the fairyland Derbur river lived a family, there are three sons: Bateluo, Mandi and Morigen. The three boys all fell in loved with a girl called Ejinaji, the daughter of Goddess Tabei and would like to marry her. One day, they came to the Mount of Kaluben to make a proposal. The Goddess Tabei said: “It’s not easy to marry my daughter. The one who can capture ten reindeers will marry her.” Then the three guys went into the deep of the forest for hunting. The big brother Bateluo (Representative of Warrior) got ten reindeers by killing them with his courage. The second brother Mandu (Representative of Chivalry) got ten reindeers by dizzng them with Artemisia and the little brother Morigen (Representative of Wiser) got ten reindeers by conquering them with his kindness and love. Finally, the Goddess Tabei married her daughter to Morigen.