《熊猫和奇异鸟》Panda and Kiwi
该片是中国和新西兰的国际文化交流项目。以具有央视自主知识产权的卡通形象“熊猫和和”、新西兰国鸟奇异鸟作为核心角色,通过鲜明可爱的视觉元素,轻松有趣的故事情节,讲述了被困神秘小岛的一群小动物激动人心的冒险经历。This show is is an international cultural exchange program between China and New Zealand. The program features “Panda Ho-Ho” whose independent intellectual property is owned by CCTV, and kiwi bird - New Zealand’s national bird. Through distinct and lovely visual elements as well as lighthearted story plots, it shows the exciting adventures of a group of small animals on an island.