《观海策》第2季 The Land of The King --- Season ǁ
《观海策》作为一部弘扬中国传统文化与审美旨趣的国风动画作品,取材自《山海经》、《战国策》、《武经总要》等优秀传统文化经典,同时结合中国古代神话、历史,力图打造充满中国传统特色的优秀动漫作品。《观海策》第二季在前一季的基础上,重点借鉴了《山海经》奇幻世界观、历史典故和许多优秀民间传说蓝本,着重展现我国古代绚烂的想象力与智慧结晶,传承并弘扬中国传统文化与优秀价值观,探索并还原中国传统特色的审美体系,让观众体会到属于中国的传统文化之美。同时主人公在战乱中为国家、百姓奔波,抵御外敌入侵,以解救黎民苍生的行动,为作品注入了一份更为宏大的精神内核——家国情怀与正义精神。 As a national style animation work that carries forward Chinese traditional culture and aesthetic purport, the second season of “The Land of The King” is drawn from excellent traditional cultural classics such as "The Classic of Mountains and Rivers", "Stratagems of the Warring States" , “General Military Principles”, etc. Meanwhile, combined with ancient Chinese myths and history, it strives to create excellent animation works full of Chinese traditional characteristics.On the basis of the previous season, the second season of “The Land of The King” focuses on drawing lessons from the fantastic world view, historical allusions and many excellent folklore blueprints of "The Classic of Mountains and Rivers", focusing on displaying the splendid imagination and wisdom crystallization of ancient China, inheriting and promoting the traditional Chinese culture and excellent values, exploring and restoring the aesthetic system of Chinese traditional characteristics, so that the audience can experience the Chinese heritage The beauty of Chinese culture. At the same time, the protagonist runs for the country and the people in the war, resists the invasion of foreign enemies, to save the lives of the people. It injects a more grand spiritual core into the works - Patriotism and the spirit of justice.