《雄狮少年》《I AM WHAT I AM》
《雄狮少年》讲述了来自广东小村落的留守少年阿娟因为一次偶然的机会要去舞狮,伙伴阿猫阿狗被莫名感染并加入,三个被无视和欺负的留守少年决定踏上舞狮之路,并由此引发了一系列令人啼笑皆非和热血澎湃的故事。最终少年凭着满腔热血和无所不往的冲劲勇敢追寻奇迹,成为了自己的“雄狮”。 tells the story of three left-behind teenagers Gyun,Kat and Doggie, whom from a small village in Guangdong, where they’ve been ignored and bullied by others and decide to join a group of lion dance. They finally realize their dreams and become their own lions with their youthful passion and all-around drive.