决战王仓坪 Battle Wang Cangping
1564年一群倭寇在同安乌泥村、高浦村、坂尾村等地烧杀抢夺,百姓苦不堪言,戚继光率领5000戚家军火速到此抵抗20000倭寇,敌众我寡,戚继军在练兵,研制武器的同时,此时也有汉奸在偷偷的给倭寇通风报信。经过一段时间,戚家军主动出击,与倭寇展开多次博弈,斗智斗勇,在王仓坪一战,戚家军运用最新研制的阵法与武器,结合当地民众应用无惧的精神,兵民合一,最终击败倭寇,并且兵民无一人死亡,堪称一大战争奇迹。到了审判之时,民众围着活着的倭寇头子在青礁慈济宫欢呼胜利,戚继光到此,人民希望由戚继光亲手了结倭寇头子,戚继光看了看现场的孩子和保生大帝的神像,心里产生了犹豫,于是和人民开始探索更好的对策... In 1564, 20 thousand Japanese invaders burned, killed and robbed in Dongan’s Wuni village, Gaopu village and Sakanwei village in Xiamen and other places, which made people suffered a lot. In the 1650s, a large number of Japanese invaders invaded China coastal areas, and the people were destitute. In Wang Cangping campaign, Qi Jiguang used the formation and the geographical position to defeat the twenty thousand Japanese invaders with only 5000 soldiers and without hurting one, which is a miracle in the history of the war.