思镂红(About paper-cut red memories)
思镂红(About paper-cut red memories)
漫画以中国非遗文化马家剪纸传承人马娇亲身经历为主要情节,运用计算机美术绘制方式以传统水墨绘画为主要风格,通过真人、真事、真情更具真实性的漫画题材,将距离我们十分遥远的剪纸文化传承人故事通过互联网的方式展现给大家,同时还能将剪纸手艺与水墨绘画等传统文化结合于一体,通过这种方式将看似很遥远的剪纸文化传承人故事做到更加贴近大众、吸引大众,让大家认识水墨、了解剪纸、品味剪纸。(Ma's paper-cut comic to China's national intangible cultural heritage at jiao experiences as the main plot, using the computer art way of drawing in traditional ink painting as the main style, we are very far away the paper-cutting cultural inheritance person story mode through the Internet, at the same time can also combine paper-cut crafts with traditional culture such as ink painting at an organic whole, in this way will seem very distant paper-cutting cultural inheritance people be more close to the public, draw public story, let everybody know ink, paper cutting, paper-cut.)