不后悔 Never Regret
“让青春在党和人民最需要的地方绽放绚丽之花”是习总书记在2020年3月15日 给北京大学援鄂医疗队全体“90后”党员的回信中写道。结合“为青春而战”“无悔”,作为创作本源,致敬抗疫一线的医务人员的同时,向抗战一线的医护人员学习,学习他们乐观积极的处事态度,学习他们国家有难,敢于奉献,无惧生死的大无畏精神。坚持梦想,梦想无悔,为青春而战! "Let youth blossom where the party and people need it most" was the message that General Secretary Xi gave on March 15, 2020, which was in the reply letter to all "after 90" party members in the medical team of Peking University in aid of Hubei Province. The message is combined with "fight for youth" and "no regrets", as the source of creation, to pay tribute to the medical staff on the front line of the epidemic, and at the same time, to the front line of the war. We should learn from medical and nursing staff, especially about their optimistic and positive attitude, and their spirit about when our country is in distress, they dare to dedicate, fearless in life and death. Persevere in your dreams, dream without regrets, and fight for your youth!