《地铁》《The Subway》
本故事讲述了一位上班族在下班后乘坐地铁晚班车回家后,来到一座不存在的地铁站并试图逃脱的离奇经历。 This story tells the story of a worker who comes home from work by the subway late bus and tries to escape from a non-existent subway station. This story tells the story of a worker who comes home from work by the subway late bus and tries to escape from a non-existent subway station. 因为想要挑战自我,所以我在毕业创作的选题上选择了自己不曾接触的恐怖漫画,想要挑战自己的极限,并且希望借此了解较为小众的恐怖漫画市场。 Because I want to challenge myself, so I choose the theme of graduation creation on the horror cartoons I have never contacted, want to challenge their limits, and hope to learn about the horror cartoons market of a smaller audience.