《大明困兽》Beasts of the Ming Dynasty
明末,王朝面临内忧外患,民不聊生。传说集齐三把宝刀便可开启先帝遗留的龙脉宝藏,拯救大明。胡狼李段峰携养子雪豹傅子轩,周旋于暗流涌动的朝堂与江湖,奉朝廷之命收集宝刀,逐渐揭开了龙脉之谜…… At the end of the Mind Dynasty, the people face numerous internal and external troubles. According to a legend, gathering three swords will unlock the treasures of the dragon vein left by the late emperor and save the Ming Dynasty. Li Duanfeng and his adopted son, Fu Zixuan, a snow leopard, are ordered by the imperial court to collect the swords and gradually uncover the secret of the mystery of the dragon veins.