动画片舒克贝塔,改编自郑渊洁原著《舒克和贝塔历险记》,原作者被誉为中国童话大王。动画片的受众年龄:是6-12岁,节目规格是每集11分钟,26集;内核是友情,冒险,成长,勇敢正义。改编自《舒克贝塔历险记》原著作者童话大王郑渊洁老师。郑渊洁笔下的舒克和贝塔是中国名气做大的两只老鼠,他们从人人喊打的老鼠到誉满全球的飞行员、坦克手,他们办报纸,上太空,到全宇宙冒险,甚至和皮皮鲁一道维护世界和平…. SHUKE & BEITA Adapted from the original work of ADVENTURES OF SHUKE AND BEITA of YUANJIE ZHENG, the king of fairy tales in China. Audience range: 6-12 years’ old Specifications: 11mins × 26eps Key words: mice, helicopter, tank, friendship, adventure, growth, The main characters are two mice, changing from sad apple to pilot SHUKE and tankman BEITA around world. They create newspaper, manage airplane company and take adventure in whole universe to safeguard world peace with PIPILU.