《人类抗疫简史》A Brief History of Human Fighting Against Epidemics
漫画《人类抗疫简史》梳理了人类诞生以来,出现的14种传染病,共包括15个篇章,即天花终结者爱德华•琴纳、斯诺医生和他的霍乱地图、为结核病菌上色的罗伯特•科赫、从兔子身上诞生的狂犬病疫苗、“伤寒玛丽”的二次隔离、现代口罩之父伍连德的鼠疫战史、被邪恶滥用的炭疽杆菌、百年流感之殇、小鼠克星黄热病疫苗之父泰勒尔、消灭小儿麻痹症的中国“糖丸爷爷”、布伦伯格和世界肝炎日、抗击疟疾的中医贡献、追踪埃博拉病毒的猎人布雷曼、给艾滋病来杯鸡尾酒的何大一、来自“百毒之源”蝙蝠的忠告。作品从“抗疫”的角度,用简洁生动的文字、活泼有趣的画面、精彩感人的小故事讲述了疫病的起源、症状、成因、传播、防治以及抗疫英雄人物等等,并就病菌、人类、自然环境三者的关系进行相应展现,予人以启示。 The comic "A Brief History of Human Fighting Against Epidemics" looks at the 14 infectious diseases that have appeared since the dawn of mankind and includes 15 chapters.From the perspective of "fighting the epidemic", the work tells the story of the epidemic with simple and vivid words, lively and interesting pictures, and wonderful and touching short stories. The book illustrates causes, symptoms, transmission, control and heroes of fighting against the epidemic, etc. and shows the relationship among germs, humans and the natural environment.