《宇宙护卫队》是为4-7岁小朋友,精心打造的原创三维动画系列剧。第一季52集,每集12.5分钟,于2018年10月8日推出。 第一季故事围绕着老虎“风暴”、猴子“闪电”、兔子“彩虹”三位宇宙护卫队队员们展开。他们乐于助人,帮助不同的小动物们解决各种各样的困难。每集涵盖了动物特征、生活习性、科学小常识等知识点,鼓励孩子们在探索中不断成长。 Cosmicrew is produced specially for children of 4-7 aged . The series with 52 episodes will be launched starting from October,2018. Cosmicrew is a fun-filled and comedic adventure series about three cosmic rangers: courageous team leader Storm Tiger, fun-loving man of action Monkey, and scientific genius Rabbit. They help animals using their own strength, courage ,and smarts. Every exciting encounter helps Tiger, Monkey and Rabbit to discover the amazing abilities each animal possesses.