故事中的三位角色,以漫畫標題命名,小風、中竹、大城,3個不曾見過對方的樣子,來到這陌生的城市。也吸引了神奇世界的魔力精靈們,隱藏在城市的小角落,是個很小心躲起來的微小族群,他們以自己的方式,守護野生的世界。小風、中竹、大城,來到了「風竹城」,這裡野心商人和黑官,相當有權力,在這個地方偷偷污染了自然,只為了製造戰爭,過程中也嫁禍他人,為了各種利益的角力,一個巨大事件,即將展開⋯⋯。 The three characters in the story, named after the comic title, S Wind, M Bamboo, L Castle, Three have never seen each other's appearance, came to this strange city. Also attracted the magical world of the magic of the wizard, hidden in the small corner of the city, is a very careful to hide the small groups, they in their own way, guarding the wild world. The S Wind, M Bamboo, L Castle came to the "Bamboo Windy Towns", Here ambitious businessmen and black officials, quite powerful, in this place secretly polluted the natural, just to create the war, the process also blame others, for the interests of various interests, a huge event, about to start......