《伴羽人》The Crane Lover

Author:北京电影学院动画学院Beijing,Film,Academy,Animation,Academy 2020-03-02 10:43:11

Sponsor:北京电影学院动画学院Beijing Film Academy Animation Academy

一位女子在芦苇地中苦苦等待她的梦中情人,最后在冬天的大雪中冻死了。死前她怀着思念之情起舞化鹤,而死后只留下她的尸体静静躺在雪地上。而她与梦中情人的回忆不过是她的幻想。 A woman waits for her dream lover in the wild field of reed along. At the end, she freezes to death in the heavy snow in winter. Before her death, she dances and becomes a crane and flies away with the deep love for her dream lover. After her death, there is only her body in the snow under the tree where they meets each other. But actually, the memory between she and her lover is just her fantasy.