这是一部可谓史无前例的科普动画短片。本片由袁隆平院士领衔,共有9位中国工程院农业学部院士,共同“动画参演”。本片采用的是“实拍+CG”的形式,通过袁隆平院士动画形象在一个中国家庭的小小“冒险旅程”,一路上展现了数十年来,中国在农业领域的伟大进步,致敬了以院士为代表的中国科研工作者。本片制作精良,立意宏大,形式新颖,内容感人,被各路微博大V自发进行转发,一度登上微博热搜第5位,现相关话题阅读量超过2亿,并得到了央视电影频道的专门报道。Exceptional and educational short film lead by an animated figure of Academician Yuan Longping. In addition, a total of 9 academicians from the Agricultural Department of the Chinese Academy of Engineering have also been “featured” in the animation. This film adopts the form of "real-life footages and CG". The narration follows Academician Yuan Longping embarking on a “little adventurous journey” in a home of a Chinese family. The milestones and achievements shown in the film reflect China's magnificent progress in agriculture in the past decades and pays tribute to scientific researchers who made this possible. The film is high quality, well-produced, meaningful, unique in presentation, and touching. It was liked and shared by many reputable Weibo influencers. The film soared up to number five on Weibo’s hot topic rank, and topics related to the film have been viewed more than 200 million times. It also featured in CCTV’s motion picture channel as a special report.