
Author:孙立军 2020-06-18 17:21:22

Sponsor:北京盛世顺景文化传媒有限公司/Beijing Heyday Shunking Culture Media Co.,Ltd

《秋实》的主人公是一只蝈蝈。初秋时节,园子里的虫儿争相觅食。这些渺小而又顽强的生命经历了春、夏、秋,三季的风雨洗礼,此时要争分夺秒地为秋后的蛰伏做好充分的准备,全片无对白,通过虫与虫之间的较量,突出角色的情绪表现、动作设计与节奏把控,从而刻画出园子里的小虫的“生存法则”,体现大自然蕴涵的深刻哲理。 The protagonist of Harvest is a grasshopper. In the early autumn, insects in the garden scramble for food. These small and tenacious creatures have experienced the blessings and hardships of spring, summer, and autumn but now they have to race against the clock to be fully prepared to survive the winter. The whole film, with no dialogue, highlights the roles’ emotional expression, action design and rhythm control by showing the strife among insects in a garden which depicts the "law of survival", thus reflecting the profound philosophy of nature.