《哪吒之魔童降世》 Synopsis of NeZha
Author:- 2020-07-07 11:17:46
Sponsor:北京光线影业有限公司 Beijing Enlight Pictures Co.,Ltd.成都可可豆动画影视公司Chengdu Cococartoon Co.,Ltd.
天地灵气孕育出一颗能量巨大的混元珠,元始天尊将混元珠提炼成灵珠和魔丸,灵珠投胎为人;而魔丸则会诞出魔王,为祸人间。元始天尊启动了天劫咒语,3年后天雷将会降临,摧毁魔丸。本应是灵珠英雄的哪吒却成了混世大魔王。顽劣不堪的哪吒却徒有一颗做英雄的心。然而面对众人对魔丸的误解和即将来临的天雷的降临,哪吒是否命中注定会立地成魔?他将何去何从? The aura from heaven and earth has given birth to a powerful Chaos pearl inserted with spiritual energies. The Supreme Lord -Yuanshi Tianzun concocts two pills out of the pearl – a Spiritual Pearl (Ling Zhu) and a Demon pill (Mo Wan). The Spiritual Pearl will be reincarnated as the third son of Li Jing, the Commander of ChenTang Pass,by Taiyi Zhenren. Lijing’s third son is NeZha. The demon will be born of the demon pill, who is set to bring great destructions to the world. However, the Spiritual Pearl was replaced by the Demon pill. Nezha becomes a demon.To prevent disasters, The Supreme Lord -Yuanshi Tianzun has initiated a kalpa spell to strike the Demon pill with thunder in three years. Facing the advent of the thunder, will Nezha still be the demon as destined? What will he choose?