故事以非物质文化遗产蹴鞠为灵感创作来源。通过人物的故事侧面表现宋代蹴鞠的部分“白打”技巧动作、蹴鞠制作工艺的发展,以及体现宋代蹴鞠和现代足球玩法的不同。画面风格模仿古老的绢本画采用偏黄色调,结合古代山水建筑等元素呼应,人物以人形动物为主,能增加故事内容趣味性的同时,更符合该绘本阅读目标人群的选择。 The story is inspired by the intangible cultural heritage Cuju. Through the story profile of the characters, it shows the development of some "white play" skills and techniques of Cuju in Song Dynasty, and the differences between Cuju in Song Dynasty and modern football.Picture style imitates the ancient silk painting with yellow tone, combined with the ancient landscape architecture and other elements echo, the characters are mainly human animals, which can increase the interesting content of the story, at the same time, more in line with the choice of the target group of the picture book reading.