Sponsor:北京光线影业有限公司 Beijing Enlight Pictures Co., Ltd.
Intro:昆仑弟子姜子牙率领众神伐纣,赢得封神大战胜利。即将受封成为众神之长的他,却因一时过失引得昆仑大乱,从此被贬北海,为世人所唾弃。十年后,因一个契机,姜子牙踏上重回昆仑的旅途。在战后的废墟之上,他重新找到自我,也洞悉了十年前的一切真相。 Jiang Ziya, the head disciple of Kunlun Sect, leads a divine army against the Shang dynasty and is victorious in the battle for deification. Just as he is about to be made the leader of the gods, he makes a costly mistake that results in his banishment to Beihai and becomes spurned by all. Ten years later, a twist of fate brings Jiang Ziya back on the path to Kunlun. Atop the ruins of war, he finds himself once again and uncovers the truth of the past.
Title:《新神榜:哪吒重生》New Gods: Nezha Reborn
Title:《新大头儿子和小头爸爸4完美爸爸》 New Happy Dad and Son 4: Perfect Dad
Sponsor:央视动漫集团有限公司 CCTV Animation Group Limited
Intro:该片是央视动漫集团推出的“新大头”系列电影第四部,讲述了大头儿子进入了虚拟世界,和人工智能进化出的“完美爸爸”经历了各种精彩炫酷的奇幻体验。完美爸爸不想让大头儿子离开,小头爸爸、围裙妈妈来到虚拟世界营救大头儿子,与完美爸爸斗智斗勇,一家人终于回到了现实世界。大头儿子也理解了真正的“完美”不是无条件满足他的需求,而是无私的爱。 This movie is the fourth of the "New Happy Dad and Son" film franchise presented by CCTV Animation Group. It tells a story in which Datou (the big head son) comes to a virtual world and enjoys various fantastic experiences with Perfect Dad who evloved from AI program. Perfect Dad doesn’t want Datou to leave. To get his son back, Xiaotou (the small head dad) comes to the virtual world together with Apron Mom. They compete with Perfect Dad with wits and courage. Eventually, the family returns to the real world. Datou realizes that true “Perfection” is not to gratify him by meeting all his needs unconditionally, but the selfless love from Dad and Mom.
Title:《熊猫和奇异鸟》Panda and Kiwi
Sponsor:央视动漫集团有限公司 CCTV Animation Group Limited
Intro:该片是中国和新西兰的国际文化交流项目。以具有央视自主知识产权的卡通形象“熊猫和和”、新西兰国鸟奇异鸟作为核心角色,通过鲜明可爱的视觉元素,轻松有趣的故事情节,讲述了被困神秘小岛的一群小动物激动人心的冒险经历。This show is is an international cultural exchange program between China and New Zealand. The program features “Panda Ho-Ho” whose independent intellectual property is owned by CCTV, and kiwi bird - New Zealand’s national bird. Through distinct and lovely visual elements as well as lighthearted story plots, it shows the exciting adventures of a group of small animals on an island.
Title:《冰球旋风》Ice Hockey Together
Sponsor:央视动漫集团有限公司 CCTV Animation Group Limited
Intro:该片是央视动漫集团为迎接2022年第24届北京冬季奥运会而精心策划的中国首部冰球题材动画片。本片响应“建设体育强国”的时代要求,深度挖掘“冰雪体育”这一新兴题材,展现了中华体育精神。 This show, as the first ice hockey themed animated series in China, is elaborately developed by CCTV Animation Group to welcome the 24th Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games. Responding the requirement of the age, "to build China into a leading sporting nation", the series gives full play to the winter sports theme, and shows the Chinese sport spirits.
Title:海底小纵队第七季 The Octonauts S7
Intro:《海底小纵队第七季》是以海洋和陆地作为舞台上演,以巴克队长为领导核心,集结了呱唧、皮医生、达西西、章教授等七个团队成员完成“探险、拯救、保护”使命的故事。 每集动画都建立在一次探险的基础上。小队成员们足智多谋,各怀绝技,齐心协力,时刻准备克服险情,排除危机,为各种各样真实存在的陆地及海洋生物提供帮助与救援。孩子们在看片过程中可以认识如温泉蛇、大熊猫、鳉鱼、睡鼠、丑鸭、金毛鼹鼠、小虾虎鱼、火蚁、九带犰狳、角嘴海雀、狐蝠、巨沙螽等500多种神奇生物。 《海底小纵队第七季》内容积极正面,给孩子们带来了一个没有暴力、没有脏话、干净纯澈的世界,引导他们去发现生活中的奇妙与美好。高潮迭起的探险、拯救、保护情节不断激发着孩子们的思考能力,培养他们互相协作友善真诚的团队精神。 本片具有高品质的美术和故事设计,精致的3D动画制作,欢快动人的片尾音乐,将晦涩抽象的知识融入到生动有趣的画面和剧情中,孩子们透过小纵队的视角展开奇妙的世界画卷,感受丰富多彩的自然奇景,在欢乐享受的同时学习到诸多的科普内容,不断找寻着关于人与自然关系的答案。
Title:阳光晒屁股/The morning sun
Intro:一个普通家庭的平凡一夜。害怕黑夜的孩子似乎长大了些,为生计奔忙的爸妈似乎幸福了些。生活在大多数时间里就是由这样一个个不起眼的小转变组成,慢慢形成了我们的一生。 An ordinary night for an ordinary family. The children who are afraid of the night seem to have grown up, and the parents who are busy making a living seem to be happier. Most of our lives are made up of these inconspicuous little transitions that slowly shape our lives.
Title:小树洞吼吼 LITTLE HOO HOO
Sponsor:虞嘉尧 Yu Jiayao
Intro:受伤的老狼本想安静地躲在大树下,却遇到了好奇又活泼的小树洞吼吼。好胜的老狼,独自去战斗,身负重伤,但它不想让同伴看到自己狼狈的一面,所以独自躲到了树林里。 吼吼很喜欢老狼,跟着老狼学会狼嚎后,兴奋的在树上大喊大叫。却也让老狼意识到了狼嚎背后更深的含义……The wounded wolf is going to hide under a luxuriant tree in silence,but encounters Little Hoo Hoo who always keeps curious and lively...
Sponsor:Moukda Production / Bigaro Film
Intro:In a land where the rain never stops, Kyna spends her days playing under the protective "umbrella-beard" of her father. One night Kyna’s dog disappears. She will face her great fear, the Rain.
Title:《草原志怪:遗弃谷篇》/Mystery Tales of the Prairie:Abandoned Swales
Intro:《草原志怪》是网易LOFTER打造的本土文化项目,由多个短篇漫画通过线索串联,由蒙古族漫画家优癖担任编绘。内容取材自蒙古族日常口耳相传的民间故事,以漫画的形式表现草原人文风土以及人与自然的关系。 “Mystery Tales of the Prairie" is a comic project based on indigenous Chinese cultural, which created by NetEase LOFTER. The Mongolian cartoonist “up!” served as an editor. The comic are based on ancient mystery stories of the Mongolian people. Several short comics are connected by clues, aiming to show the cultural landscape of the grassland and the relationship between human and nature.
Title:寂寞口笛手·海风吹过 Lonely Whistler-The Sea Breeze Blows
Sponsor:杭州森雨文化有限公司 Hangzhou Rainforest Culture Co., Ltd.
Intro:《寂寞口笛手·海风吹过》的故事发生在一个海边小镇。少女阿澍是少年川川唯一的朋友,当不和阿澍在一起时,川川的寂寞变成了疯狂蚕食他的内心的寂寞花。幸而大自然中有一种专门打败寂寞花的精灵,它们被称为寂寞口笛手。于是口笛手贝贝前来帮助川川,通过艰险的战斗,最终川川恢复了平静,也学会了去开启新的友情。 Lonely Whistler-The Sea Breeze Blows happened in a small seaside town. Chuan's loneliness turns into a lonely flower that eats away at his heart. Then Pepe the Whistler comes to Chuan's aid, eventually helps Chuan to regain his peace, and Chuan learns to find new friendships.
Title:《刘慈欣科幻漫画系列:地球大炮》 Graphic Novel Collection of Liu Cixin's Sci-Fi Classics :Cannon Ball
Sponsor:北京漫传奇文化传播有限公司FT Culture(Beijing)Co.,Ltd.
Intro:一个被称为“南极庭院工程”的超级工程启动了,项目完工后,人类便可以用极低的成本将海量的人力和物资从北半球输送到南极,以此推动南极大陆的全面开发。在工程试验阶段,沈渊的女儿沈梦在一次外地核勘探中意外遭遇了超强铁镍流,并永远地被困留在了外地核之中……In the future, humanity begins to develop Antarctica. To establish fast travel to the South Pole, humanity undertakes an enormous engineering project: constructing a tunnel that runs through the entire Earth. But the tunnel soon suffers a major catastrophe and causes an economic crash.
Title:Almost Unreal
Intro:Obsessed with the loss of his sister, an old janitor creates a magical world through collage, hoping to bring her back. But when he thinks he has found her, his perfect world falls apart...
Title:Welcome 人偶服装店
Sponsor:杜思瑶 Sia Du
Intro:一个孤独、贫穷的小女孩在午夜被人体模型邀请到一家豪华服装店。他们为她提供免费的饰品、衣服、鞋子,并引诱她拿走更多。但是小女孩不知道她以后需要付出什么代价。 A lonely, poor little girl was invited by mannequins into a luxury clothing store in the midnight. They offer her free accessories, dress, shoes, and seduce her to take more. But the little girl has no idea what price she need to pay later.
Title:终点站 (The Last Stop)
Sponsor:Nanyang Technological University - School of Art, Design and Media
Intro:A lone Commuter trapped in a speeding train has to push against the force of the speed and escape before it crashes into the LAST STOP.
Intro:Beirut, 1982. As Nicolas prepares to flee his hometown, torn apart by an endless civil war, he crosses the path of Naji, a reckless teenager determined to go to the Swimming Pool. Trying to protect the young man, Nicolas finds himself pulled into a surreal race against war, all for the mere freedom of going swimming.
Title:偷时间的表Ashes of time
Intro:小钟在父亲去世不久后回到即将拆迁的老家收拾,意外找到了一本父亲身患老年痴呆症时的本子,本子中父亲画的钟表唤起了小钟的回忆,最后却发现,本上画的表承载的其实是老钟患病之后一直没有忘记的与儿子的相处时光······ Xiao Zhong returned to his demolished hometown shortly after his father's death, and accidentally found a book when his father was suffering from Alzheimer's disease, the clock drawn by his father in the book evoked Xiao Zhong's memories, and finally found that the watch painted on this book actually carried the time spent with his son that Old Zhong had not forgotten after his illness...
Title:守护 Defend
Intro:苗族女孩寻神报恩的温情故事。The story of the miao girl looking for god to repay her kindness.
Title:洄游之夜 Migratory Nights
Sponsor:杭州森雨文化有限公司 Hangzhou Rainforest Culture Co., Ltd.
Intro:《洄游之夜》讲述了一位少女在梦中邂逅了神秘、陌生却熟悉的小女孩和少年,和他们一起在自家客厅里展开的异空间经历了奇妙的冒险的故事,最终少女苏醒,却发现现实里的自己已经是垂暮老人,而梦中的伙伴们是她人生中最重要的伙伴们。Migratory Nights is the story of a girl who meets a mysterious, strange but familiar young girl and a boy in a dream and joins them in a fantastic adventure in an otherworldly dimension that unfolds in her living room. Eventually the girl awakes, finding that in reality she is a dying old woman and that the girl and the boy in her dream are the most important ones in her life.
Intro:高考失利的高中生少女在幻想、 迷茫与痛苦后,终于重新与自己和解。After experiencing fantasy, confusion and agony, the high school girl who once failed the college entrance examination finally chooses to reconcile with herself.