• Title:《长安三万里》 CHANG AN

    Intro:《长安三万里》故事梗概 通过高适的回忆,讲述他与好友李白在唐朝的大时代背景下,为理想奋力追逐的波澜壮阔的一生。 Chang An Film Synopsis Between battles, the Tang military commander Gao Shi tells the story of his friendship with Li Bai during the Golden Age of the Tang and how the pursuit of their literary and political ideals brought them together and tore them apart.

  • Title:茶啊二中 OH MY SCHOOL!


  • Title:《棉花糖和云朵妈妈1宝贝芯计划》


  • Title:舒克贝塔地下之谜 Mysterious Adventure of Shuke & Beita

    Intro:《舒克贝塔地下之谜》改编自中国“童话大王”郑渊洁原著《舒克和贝塔历险记》,具有优秀的IP价值以及广泛的观众基础。本片围绕飞行员舒克和坦克手贝塔这两只小老鼠的冒险展开,一桩不起眼的盗窃案打破了平静生活,危险接踵而至,秘密似乎就藏在那座海岛之中。 It adapted from the original work "The Adventures of Shuke and Beita" by China's "Fairy Tale King" Zheng Yuanjie. The film unfolds the adventure of two mice, the pilot Shuke and the tank operator Beita, whose tranquil live were disrupted by an inconspicuous theft, leading to a series of dangers, with the secrets seemingly hidden within that island.

  • Title:《左手上篮》Left- Hand Layup!

    Intro:《左手上篮》主要讲述的是篮球少年许星泽与一众伙伴们因热爱篮球相识相伴、携手共进的故事。篮球少年许星泽从上海来到北京,误打误撞进入了京北附中,但许星泽却在京北附中意外收获了一帮同样热爱篮球的伙伴们,少年们用勃勃生机的激情谱写出一曲青春的赞歌。 "Left-Hand Layup!" tells the story of a basketball boy named Xingze Xu and a group of high school students who accompanied each other and work hard to achieve their basketball dream.

  • Title:《敦煌的故事》

    Intro:该片选取敦煌历史上能够代表敦煌与丝绸之路文化交流的历史事件作为背景和创作源泉,贯穿“美美与共 包容合作”的主题,巧借敦煌壁画中的造型与色彩,运用动画与技术手段将水墨动画、皮影戏等元素融入其中,再现千年敦煌的盛世风华,带领观众感受敦煌不同历史时期的独特魅力。

  • Title:亮码吧!爸爸 Dad in the Echo

    Intro:小王即将出国工作,但他的爸爸用不明白智能手机。他准备带父亲一同出国。但好面子的父亲不愿被人照顾。高速的互联网生活让他无法适应,智能手机繁琐的操作像一个拦路虎,不能扫码不能付钱,彻底打消啦父亲出门欲望。儿子决定带着父亲去互联网世界冒一次险,迈开新世界的步子,也说出与父亲多年未曾表达的爱意。 "Xiao Wang is going to work abroad soon, but his father can't handle a smartphone...

  • Title:四·季 Seasons

    Intro:人生况味,四季轮回。透一窗观世间姿态,执一笔绘生时感悟。四短章,四季节,《知秋》、《冬禅》、《春生》、《润夏》,于细微处见情,于细腻处品意。以气韵生动,取象之不惑,品物浅深,真意自然。 “Seasons” is a metaphor of life – just like the never-ending turn of seasons, our lives, together with their ups and downs, follow a cycle of change. The four short animations offer us a window through which we can observe the ever-changing times. Our understanding of what it means to be alive is encapsulated in a few strokes of the brush.

  • Title:《我的漫画日记——英雄的一号井》/My Comic Diary – Hero's Well No. 1

    Intro:作品取材上世纪五十年代新中国第一个大油田——克拉玛依油田开发的真实事件,以逐帧动画手法,从儿童漫画的视角,表现了中国石油发展史中著名的”克一号井”在发现前夕,突遇井喷抢险的英雄故事。作品在表现真实历史的同时兼顾发扬了动画语言特有的表现趣味,意在形成创新性的语言张力。故事主题中新中国建设者突破贫油“卡脖子”的成就则赋予了本作品在新时代的意义——面对百年未有之大变局,中国人文化自信不减,斗志昂扬。The work is based on the real events of the development of——Karamay oilfield, the first major oil field in New China in the 1950s. From the perspective of frame by frame animation, it shows the famous "Ke No.1 well" in the history of the discovery of children's oil industry.

  • Title:《穿红靴子的拉丁小子》Latin Kid in Red Boots

    Intro:这是一个以真实人物为原型改编的故事。是用“绘画”表现出“声音”和不同时空的一本绘本,描述了一个听不见声音的小女孩,在追寻拉丁舞梦想的路上不断努力前行的故事。这是一部治愈人心的温暖作品,关注特别的现实议题。让特殊群体和普通群体之间增进了解,让每个人都勇敢面对真实的自己,跨越障碍,争取无限的可能。This is a story based on real people. It is a picture book that uses "painting" to express "sound" and different time and space, and the story describes the heartwarming story of a little girl who can't hear the sound and keeps trying to move forward on the road to pursue her dream of Latin dance.

  • Title:三只小龙王(Three Little Dragon)

    Intro:三只调皮的小龙王,因为贪玩给大地带来了极端天气,后来偶然跌落云端,得到善良的田鼠小姐救治,通过自己的努力带来“好天气”的故事。Three mischievous little dragon kings brought extreme weather to the earth due to their playfulness. Later, they accidentally fell into the clouds and received treatment from the kind Miss Field Mouse. Through their own efforts, they brought the story of "good weather".

  • Title:山的风之光芒 Mountains Of The Wind Glow

    Intro:故事描写了一个住在大山里的小精灵,为了保护小动物朋友,勇敢地和喷火的怪物战斗,并且用宝石和爱的力量使被烧毁的森林恢复了美丽的样子。 The story depicts a little elf who lives in the mountains and bravely fights fire-breathing monsters in order to protect her little animal friends, and uses the power of jewels and love to restore the burned forest to its beautiful appearance.

  • Title:#DoudouChallenge

    Intro:On the road to her family vacation, Olivia, a 10-year old girl hooked on her phone and social media, is abandoned by her parents in a highway service area. Alone with her plushie, he tries to get her off her phone to play, but things take an unexpected turn!

  • Title:Au 8ème Jour

    Intro:It took 7 days to create the world, it only took one to disrupt its balance.

  • Title:《宋瓷归》


  • Title:旧日谈与新开端

    Intro:迷茫的少女在忙碌的生活中遇到了一头只有她才能看见的牛,她假装没看到,却发现这只牛让她看到了过去的自己。The confused girl encountered a cow that only she could see in her busy life. She pretended not to see it, but found that the cow made her see her past self

  • Title:《吉迪的寻找》


  • Title:单恋者(不可及)hard to touch
