作者:未填 2021-07-04 22:12:13
选送单位:上海创蒲数字科技有限公司 Shanghai Chuangpu Digital Technology Ltd.
为了找回心爱的玩具,稻草人踏上冒险之旅。沿途光怪陆离,失乐园、移民潮、流水线、游行……他不停地向世界问着相同的问题,但总得不到回应。最终玩具还是回到了他的手上,而在他身上,变化已然发生。 Is there always an answer up there? In order to find his favorite toy, the little scarecrow started the adventure. Along the way,everything is strange to him. Lost paradise,immigration tide, assembly line, parade...He kept asking the world the same questions, but there was no answer.Finally, the toy was returned to him, but something different had taken place in him.