神明/ Triarchy
神明/ Triarchy
原创漫画《神明》以末世为题材,讲述了在那个时代的人们由于受到神秘物质的影响,会突变进化成各类动物,部落之间仍不断争斗,主人公也在不断战斗中逐渐成长并逐步挖掘出这一切背后的神秘力量。作者陈永发是马来西亚华裔,曾17年在DC和漫威担任主笔,是公认的优秀画师。本作品场面恢宏,画风粗犷,笔触细腻,深刻探讨了人性、神性、动物性之间的和谐与平衡,发人深省。 The original comic "Triarchy" takes the Eschatology as the theme, tells that people in that era will mutate into all kinds of animals due to the influence of mysterious substances, and there are still constant struggles among tribes. The protagonist gradually grows up and gradually digs out the mysterious power behind all these things. The writer Tan Eng Huat is a Malaysian Chinese. He has been working in DC and marvel for 17 years and is recognized as an excellent writer. This work has a magnificent scene, rough painting style and delicate brushwork. It deeply explores the harmony and balance between human nature, divinity and animality, which is thought-provoking.