竹马与铜板 A COIN
《竹马与铜板》是一部表现传统哲理的水墨风格动画短片,改编自一则民间寓言故事,讲述了几个孩童闯入一位独居老者院中后发生的小故事。孩子们原本是为了自己而玩,老者的一枚铜板改变了孩子玩耍的动机,当老者没有铜板给孩子时,玩耍也失去了乐趣。短片以孩子们“为谁而玩”的发问引发人们对现实生活的思考。 is an Chinese painting style animated short film based on a folk fable about a group of children who break into the backyard of an old man who lives alone.Children used to play for fun, but the old man's copper changed the motivation of children to play. The short animation film invites people to think about real life by asking children "who are they playing for?"