《SAM》是一本科幻题材的漫画。世界末日,人类退居地下,与一群机器人作斗争。人类以为机器人是他们的敌人,直到有一天,一个机器人帮助了男主,它叫sam。男主决定去探索人与机器人的秘密。漫画描绘在世界末日里,伙伴之间坚韧的友谊、人与机器人之间的奇妙羁绊。At the end of the world, humans retreat underground and fight against a group of robots. The humans thought the robots were their enemies, until one day a robot helped the hero, named sam, who decided to explore the secrets of humans and robots. The manga depicts the end of the world, the tough friendship between partners, the wonderful bond between people and robots.