《六点半》 6:30
早晨六点半,小学生在上学路上决定买一个煎饼当早餐,等待过程中被两个健身大爷的晨练活动吸引,健身大爷们为了吸引小学生的目光相继亮出绝活,未料其实做煎饼的大妈才是绝世高手,在一段高超的煎饼制作之后,小学生被彻底吸引,拿着美味的煎饼踏上上学路。 At 6:00 a.m., a pupil decides to buy a pancake as breakfast on the way to school. While waiting, he gets attracted by two senior men working out. They show their best to have his attention, but unexpectedly the pancake lady is the superior. After a fancy making of pancake, the pupil gets fully absorbed, and takes his delicious pancake to school.