《中国神话故事》Chinese Mythological Stories
该片是央视动漫集团创作的以“勇于追求和实现梦想的执着精神”为主题贯穿全剧,被国家广播电视总局列为2018年“中国经典民间故事动漫创作工程”的重点项目。选取最经典的中国神话故事作为载体,来表现中华民族坚韧不拔、不屈不挠的精神力量。让广大青少年重新熟悉、尊重、热爱我们自己的神话故事,感受中华民族精神文明的伟大内涵。 This animated series, created by CCTV Animation Group, with the theme of "the unyielding spirit of daring to pursue and realize dreams" , has been listed as the key project of "China Classic Folk Story Animation Creation Project" by China’s National Radio and Television Administration in 2018. It selects the most classic stories from Chinese mythology to show the perseverance and indomitable spiritual strength of the Chinese nation. This series can help teenagers re-familiarize with and learn to respect and love our own myths and feel the profoundness of the spiritual civilization of the Chinese nation.