《熊猫和开心球》Panda and Krash
该片由央视动漫集团与俄罗斯知名动画公司瑞奇集团联手打造。中俄双方将具有中国特色和央视自主知识产权的卡通形象“熊猫和和”与瑞奇集团的知名动画角色“兔小跳”共同作为核心角色,讲述两个主角在玩具店发生的种种妙趣横生的故事。该片面向国际市场,体现了中俄特有的动画艺术品位和民族风俗,凝聚中俄深厚友谊,赞扬了两国人民善良、勇敢、包容的良好品德。 This animated series is jointly produced by CCTV Animation Group and Riki Group, a famous Russian animation company. The series features Panda Ho-Ho created and owned by CCTV, a character possessing strong Chinese characteristics, and Krash, a famous cartoon role owned by Riki Group. The series is about the funny stories of Ho-Ho and Krash in a toy shop. Aiming at the international market, Panda and Krash shows the unique artistic tastes for animation and national customs of China and Russia, fully presents the deep friendship between the two nations, and praises the good merits such as kindness, courage and inclusiveness of the peoples of the two countries.