《士兵顺溜:兵王争锋》The hero Battle
三维动画电影《士兵顺溜:兵王争锋》是中国首部主旋律、高科技、现代军事题材动画电影,于2020年1月17日在中国大陆上映。该片改编自王牌特种部队真实故事,主要讲述自小怀揣“兵王梦”的少年顺溜进入军营后,和“技术天才”高超, 实力超强、桀骜不驯的尚誉,在角逐新一届“兵王”头衔的过程中,引发的一系列笑中带泪,热血正义的故事。电影以小士兵角色展现大智慧,打造热血军事动画偶像,塑造、展现新一代中国知识型青年军人的风采、风貌,在逆境中,坚忍不拔,永不放弃,为国家荣誉敢于献身的英雄形象。 《The Hero Battle》is an 83-minute 3d animation film produced by GDC in 2020. It is the first high-tech, modern military theme animation film in China which was released in the Chinese mainland on Jan 17, 2020. Adapted from a true story of the special forces, this film mainly tells the story of Shunliu, a young boy with a dream of being an "ace soldier" who joins the military camp, Gao Chao, "Technical Genius", and Shang Yu who is strong and pride. In the process of competing for the title of the new round "King of War", they triggered a series of stories with tears and laughter, warm-blooded justice. The film shows great wisdom through the role of young soldiers, demonstrating hot-blooded military animation idol, shaping and showing the style of a new generation of Chinese knowledge-based young soldiers, who dares to die for the national honor and never gives up in the face of adversity.