冰雪冬奥村 Winter Winner
三维定格偶动画《冰雪冬奥村》共26集,每集13分钟,是首部以定格动画技术展现奥运体育题材的动画片。本片以第24届北京冬季奥运会申办成功为契机,以举办地北京-张家口为场景原型、围绕冬奥比赛项目及日常生活讲述与冬奥有关的故事,通过萌趣可爱的形象和风趣幽默的情节,向观众们普及和宣传冬奥理念、冬奥文化、冬奥精神。The 3D stop-motion animation "Winter Winner" has 26 episodes and each episode is of 13 minutes long. It is the first animation film showing the Olympic sports theme with stop-motion animation technology. Taking the success of the 24th Beijing Winter Olympic Games bid as an opportunity, with Beijing-Zhangjiakou as the scene prototype, the animation tells stories related to the Winter Olympics around the competition items and daily life, popularizing and promoting the concept, culture and spirit of the Winter Olympics to the audience through cute images and humorous plots.