国家级非物质文化遗产舞鱼灯是福建、浙江一带庆祝丰收的民俗传统,鱼灯寄托着人们对美好生活的向往,人们在挥动鱼灯,与鱼共舞的同时,也表达着对五谷丰登、奔向未来的美好祈盼。本片以动画语言描绘了小男孩与鱼儿嬉戏时,点亮鱼灯,挥舞鱼灯的欢庆景象。 The national intangible cultural heritage fish lantern dance is a folk tradition in Fujian and Zhejiang to celebrate the harvest. The fish lantern expresses people's yearning for a better life. When people wave the fish lantern and dance with the fish, they also express their hope for a bumper harvest and a better future. This film depicts the happy scene of a little boy playing with fish, lighting up the fish lamp and waving the fish lamp.