舒克贝塔第二季 SHUKE&BEITA 2
动画片的受众年龄:6-12岁, 节目规格是每集11分钟,26集; 内核是友情,乐于助人,冒险,成长,勇敢正义,维护和平 动画片舒克贝塔第二季,也是改编自郑渊洁原著《舒克和贝塔历险记》,原作者被誉为中国童话大王。在第一季冒险基础上,第二季舒克贝塔联合琪琪勇敢和大反派海盗鼠王决斗,开办航空公司,帮助小动物们顺利出行,维护正义和和平。 Audience range: 6-12 years’ old Specifications: 11mins × 26eps Key words: friendship, helpfulness, adventure, growth, bravery and justice, peacekeeping SHUKE & BEITA Season 2 is adapted from the original work of ADVENTURES OF SHUKE AND BEITA of YUANJIE ZHENG, the king of fairy tales in China. Based on adventure of Season 1, Shuke and Beita ally Chichi fighting against the king of pirate mouse bravely this season, open airline company, and help friends tripping conveniently to keep peace of the world.