子非鱼/Carp brook
男孩身披蓑衣,头戴斗笠,冒雨来到溪边和小鱼玩耍,不料滑倒落入水中。昏迷时被一只大鱼所救,当男孩醒来,发现自己身处一个虚幻的空间。小男孩受到鱼精灵的指引,游历天地之间,最后大鱼与一艘巨舟相撞,男孩回到了现实世界,原来这一切都是男孩再宗祠树下做的一个梦。男孩离开祠堂后,落叶渐渐化为鱼精灵,悠悠然飘回了鱼塚里。不知是男孩梦见了鱼精灵,还是鱼精灵梦中游历了人间。/The boy, dressed in a coat and a bucket, came to the stream in the rain to play with the little fish, slipping into the water. Rescued by a big fish while unconscious, the boy wakes up and finds himself in an illusory space. The little boy was guided by the fish elf, traveled between the heavens and the earth, and finally the big fish collided with a huge boat, the boy returned to the real world, it turned out that all this is the boy again under the tree to do a dream. After the boy left the hall, the fallen leaves gradually turned into fish elves and floated back into the fish. I do not know whether the boy dreamed of the fish elf, or the fish elf dream of traveling the world.