《流·声》/Flow · Voice
《流·声》是一部使用UE4实时引擎进行创作的三维动画短片。 树影斑驳,夏日蝉鸣,勾起了收音机的回忆。它想起了生活数十载的屋檐,想起了那段不离不弃的友情,想起了那段共同唱响的奇幻人生。 一生光阴似水流年,貌似刚播放一出音乐,便相伴走过了一生。那首歌,装下了大小点滴回忆;那首歌,承载着酸甜苦辣滋味;那首歌,恰似用来比喻一段人生。流年的歌在倘佯,仿佛一切都未曾结束,仿佛一切都只是刚刚开始。 "Flow · Voice" is a 3D animated short film created using the Unreal Engine 4. The shadows of the trees were dappled, and the chirping of cicadas in summer brought back memories of the radio. It reminds me of the eaves of life for decades, reminds me of the friendship that never abandon, reminds me of the magical life that sang together. Life time passes like a stream, it seems that just play a music, then accompanied by a lifetime. That song, the size of a bit of memory; That song, bearing the sour, sweet, bitter, hot taste; That song is like a metaphor for a life. Time song in wander, as if everything is not over, as if everything is just beginning.