振山河 Rising Dragon of the Orient
《振山河》是由中央广播电视总台推发的一部动画类作品,旨在用说唱的形式,结合国漫风格的画面,串联起中国共产党在过去一百年中,救亡图存、顽强拼搏、创造出一个个奇迹的奋斗历程。节目海内外推发,在各大媒体平台迅速登上热搜榜单,浏览量突破1亿,转发、评论、点赞等互动量突破200万。歌曲发布48小时内,登上Bilibili音乐热榜第一名,并蝉联72小时,唤起海内外大批华人华侨的爱国热情和民族自豪感。 Rising Dragon of the Orient is an animation promoted by CMG,by incorporating Rap with Chinese style animation,it connects Chinese people's struggle course of saving the nation from subjugation, fighting hard to build their homeland, and creating miracles in the past 100 years. Once the animation released in China and abroad, it quickly hit the top trending on major media platforms. The program has racked up over 100 million views on multiple social media. The total amount of interaction of reposts, comments and likes, exceeded 2 million. It soon reached the first place in Bilibilibili music hot list within 48 hours, and lasts for 72 hours. The program aroused the patriotic enthusiasm of Chinese around the world.