读报人的奇幻世界丨中华文明五千年穿越之旅Journey to China: A glimpse into Chinese culture
动画以习主席关于文化文明的重要讲话为宗旨,让喜爱中国文化的西方读者里德先穿越时空与文物对话,探访良渚遗址、三星堆古蜀文明遗址、国家博物馆等,开启探索中华文明的神奇旅程,生动展现中华文明的连续性、统一性、创新性等特性。The video is starred by Mr. Reeder, a big fan of keeping up with the latest trends in China, who’s traveled through time and encountered several Chinese culture relics. He visited the National Museum of China, the Sanxingdui Ruins, the archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City, etc., which vividly shows the continuity, unity, and innovation of the Chinese civilization.