中文名:《功夫王之萌虎上山》 英文名:KUNG FU TIGER
一夜之间,虎门武馆馆主惨遭毒手,少馆主乐乐也被神秘人物追杀,为报父仇和查清事情背后的真相,乐乐带着小伙伴毅然踏上前往功夫山的征程,前方的路会是一马平川的坦途吗?为了阻止乐乐,圣武堂接连派出各大高手阻拦,乐乐的前途究竟如何? After one brutal night, the Master of Humen was murdered, and the young master, Le le, was also pursued by a mysterious figure. Determined to avenge his father and find out the truth behind all of this, Le le embarked on a journey to the Mountain Kung Fu with his companion. Will they arrive there safe and sound?