超级飞侠:乐迪加速/Super Wings the Movie: Maximum Speed
在一次快递任务中,乐迪目睹了一场大恶作剧,一群明星主播被带进神秘飞船里,小女孩飞飞的妈妈也误入其中。飞飞委托乐迪将她送到妈妈身边,于是乐迪携带着一个与众不同的包裹,迎向种种困难挑战和精彩冒险,前所未见的危机正逐步向他们逼近...... Jett wants to be as popular as other Super Wings’ teammates. When Billy Willy, a former toy factory owner, kidnaps a group of innocent social media influencers and citizens, Jett decided to help his new friend Pei, to save her mother and try to reunite Pei with her parents. In the moment of crisis, the Super Wings team stand together and fight the enemy together!