《局中人:防范电信网络诈骗漫画集》/《The Insider: Comic Collection on Preventing Telecommunications and Internet Frauds》
《局中人:防范电信网络诈骗漫画集》/《The Insider: Comic Collection on Preventing Telecommunications and Internet Frauds》
为认真贯彻落实习总书记关于打击治理电信网络诈骗犯罪工作的重要指示精神,加强社会宣传教育、提高全民防诈骗意识,在杭州市反诈联席办指导下,杭州博闻创意品牌策划有限公司策划出版《局中人:防范电信网络诈骗漫画集》。作品通过真实案例改编,结合心理学分析,融合AI与传统绘画,以拉页设计装帧呈现。The work is adapted from real-life cases, incorporating psychological analysis and integrating AI with traditional painting techniques. It is presented in a unique pull-out page design for its packaging, providing a vivid and engaging experience for readers.