400 MPH
On the Bonneville salt flats, the sound of roaring engines can be heard in the distance. At the wheel is Icarus, a chimpanzee hell-bent on transcending the limits of speed. Aboard iconic and increasingly powerful vehicles, Icarus will attempt to reach the ultimate speed of 400 Mph, thought to be impossible for land vehicles. As Icarus reaches for the sky, will he prevail or be consumed by his self-destructive quest? 在Bonneville盐滩上,可以听见从远处传来的引擎轰鸣声。掌握着方向盘的是伊卡洛斯(Icarus),这只黑猩猩在疾驰着超越极限速度。借助与众不同且功能越来越强大的车辆,伊卡洛斯(Icarus)将尝试达到400 Mph的极限速度,这对于陆地车辆来说是不可能的。当伊卡洛斯(Ecarus)靠近天空时,他是会胜出还是会被他的自毁性追求所吞噬?