《灵笼》第一季 Ling Cage SE01
一场史无前例的地质灾难席卷了全球,导致人类文明走向末路,人类在这场浩劫中所剩无几。而一群曾经在浮空城秘密研究基地生活的人,侥幸存活了下来。这群幸存者如何应对末世的生存压力、如何心存寻找人类的希望是本片的主要故事脉络。 该片通过直击人类面对巨大困难时的艰难抉择与真实表达,将坚守道德、维护正义与承受代价等问题呈现给观众,并用积极而深刻的故事结局启发年轻人。 An unprecedented worldwide geological disaster broke out and unleashed a deadly attack on human civilization. Nearly none creatures survived. However, a group of people living in a floating secret research base lived through. Its main storyline is to see how these survivors would survive under apocalyptic depressions and how they search for other living beings with fullest hope. Through presenting dilemmas and hard choices when humans were forced to face together with great hardships, this animation surfaced realistic issues to its viewers: uphold ethics, maintain justice and also bear the price, inspiring young people with a positive and profound ending story.