《摩登大自然》以动物保护为主题,通过生动可爱的卡通动物形象来打造一个动画版的动物世界。每一集选择不同的视角介绍一种全新的动物,介绍它们的外貌特征、生活习性、现存状况和保护情况,从而探讨人与动物和谐共处的方式。以寓教于乐的形式增强人们的动物保护意识,培养年轻群体对大自然保护观念,增强社会责任感。 "Modyoo" takes animal protection as its theme, creating an cartoon animal world through vivid and lovely cartoon animal characters. Each episode takes a different perspective to introduce a different animal, describing its appearance, living habits, existing conditions and conservation, in order to seek the way that humans and animals can coexist harmoniously. We should enhance people's awareness of animal protection through education and entertainment, cultivate young people's awareness of nature protection and enhance their sense of social responsibility.