《奔奔小飞车》Egg Car
故事发生在童话世界中的一个群岛上,群岛分为五大陆,大陆上生活着各种各样的生物,他们都是车的形状。故事主人公名叫奔奔,自小便生活在一个叫噗噗岛的地方,被身为发明家的爷爷奶奶养育长大。奔奔有着变身成不同车型的能力,并且可以使用带有大自然力量的能量石。 奔奔幸福地成长着,但是有一天,住在五大陆中心的咆哮火山的凶恶国王龙霸天抓走了奔奔的爷爷奶奶。 奔奔到暖暖洋洋岛去找爷爷奶奶的发明家朋友,遇到了小伙伴点点并且互相帮助,两人就这样成为了好朋友。此外,奔奔还在暖暖洋洋岛上遇到了点点的朋友高拉拉,和来自其他地方的谜之少女小爱。奔奔与他的小伙伴们还不停地遭遇龙霸天手下酷炫铁皮队的各种捣乱和追赶,并与他们斗智斗勇。 奔奔从点点的爸爸那里得知,为了救出爷爷奶奶、打倒龙霸天,必须要收集齐散布在五大陆的所有能量石,利用不同的自然能量变得强大。而龙霸天也在四处寻找和夺取能量石,这也是他的手下不断追赶着奔奔的原因。 奔奔准备踏上旅途继续寻找其他的能量石,可是就在这时龙霸天忽然现身,抓走了点点的爸妈,并烧毁了点点的家,大家齐心协力救火。奔奔和他的伙伴们在经历困难之后重新振作起来,一起踏上了寻找能量石的旅程。 在旅途中,他们经过了地貌风格不同的沙漠岛和马戏团岛,也遇到了很多不同种族的新朋友,见义勇为、助人为乐,利用乐观的精神克服困难,帮助他人,结交新朋友,遇到了很多有趣的事情。同时他们也一次次打破坏人们的阻挠,并渐渐搜集到新的能量石,继续他们的冒险旅程。 Being set in a fairy tale world, the story took place in a group of islands, which is composed of five continents(five islands, namely, the Eggland) and is home to a variety of creatures who are all in the shape of cars. The main character, Dash, has been living in a place named Pupu-island, being raised by his grandparents who are inventors. Dash is able to take the shape of different cars and can use energy stones which contain the power of nature. Dash had been growing up happily until one day, Bozo, a fierce king of the Roaring Volcano, which locates in the center of the islands, took Dash’s grandparents away. Dash met Click on his way to the Pukapuka-island for finding grandparents’ inventor friends. The two helped each other and soon became friends. In addition, on the Pukapuka-island, Dash had also met Girara, Click’s friend and Aera, a mysterious girl came from other places. During their journey, Dash and his friends had been troubled and chased by Iron’s group, who works for Bozo. The two sides fought battles of wits and courage. Learning from Click’s dad, Dash realized that if he wanted to rescue his grandparents and defeat Bozo, he must take in different kinds of natural power to become stronger by collecting all the energy stones scattered in the five continents. Bozo, however, was also looking for the stones, which was why his men were constantly running after Dash. Just when Dash was ready to set foot on the journey of finding the energy stones, Bozo suddenly appeared, took away Click’s parents and burned down his house. Dash and his friends worked together to put out the fire. After that, they picked themselves up after went through all the hardships and set off on the journey to find the stones. They had been to the desert island and circus island which boasts different landscapes and met many new friends of different races during their journey. They helped others, overcame difficulties optimistically, made new friends and experienced many interesting things. At the same time, they destroyed the obstruction of bad guys repeatedly and collected new energy stones before continuing their adventure.