立秋 Untitled

作者:未填 2021-06-08 14:09:53

选送单位:上海美术电影制片厂有限公司 Shanghai Animation Film Studio Co.,Ltd

《立秋》是以末世的萧瑟感为基调述说着地球生物灭绝后的故事。在万物由生长到衰败的第一个时节——立秋,末世即将迎来凋零的寒冬。故事的开头为我们介绍了世界上最后一只活物蝈蝈,本以为影片展现的是这只蝈蝈独处末世中循环往复的枯燥日常,却至结尾处才发现一切都是已设计好的演出,蝈蝈反复不断地进行这段表演,而观众则是末世的主人——冰冷的机器人。 The ink animation Untitled tells story about a lifeless future after the global mass extinction. The protagonist is a male cricket. He is the sole surviving creature in the world, living in the natural environment created by robots, performing for those special audiences day by day. This film is an innovative combination of modern cutting-edge technology and traditional Chinese ink art, using the oriental charm of ink animation style to depict thedoomsday scene of mass extinction, that bring a very strong visual impact.