红船故事 The Story of the Red Boata

作者:黄亚洲,王瑞芳,罗辑 Huang,Yazhou,Wang,Ruifang,Luo,Ji 2021-07-19 15:08:13

选送单位:浙江人民美术出版社 Zhejiang People's Fine Arts Publishing House Presents

根据黄亚洲长篇小说名作《红船》改编,用连环漫画的形式来诠释“红船”精神。编创历时三年,规模宏大,用10册共计900页多格连环画的篇幅生动艺术地再现了中国共产党的诞生历程。以现代绘画风格细致描绘了从1919年到1928年这十个春秋的中国革命史和一系列波澜壮阔的历史大事件。深情讴歌了一大批为国家和民族的救亡图存,为中国共产党的诞生和发展而上下求索、艰苦奋斗的伟大人物。 Adapted from the famous novel Red Boat, written by Huang Yazhou, this set of comic books encapsulated the Red Boat spirit in a special way. It took three years to finish this set of picture-story books. This series has ten volumes, amount to more than 900 pages, which demonstrates the history of CPC‘s founding in large-scale. It painted Chinese revolutionary history and eventful years in the decade from 1919 to 1928 in the modern painting style. It strongly praised the merits of Chinese pioneers, who had devoted themselves to save the nation from extinction and who had struggled for the foundation and development of CPC. The Story of the Red Book has won favorable awards.